Dutch Pop Music platform 3voor12 review
I’m chuffed to learn that 3voor12, the Pop Music platform in The Netherlands reviewed my debut Single “Ride the Rainbow”. The review came shortly after being added to the Spotify…
I’m chuffed to learn that 3voor12, the Pop Music platform in The Netherlands reviewed my debut Single “Ride the Rainbow”. The review came shortly after being added to the Spotify…
I’m delighted that my debut single “Ride the Rainbow" in its first week, was featured on the "Dutch 3voor12 Lokaal draait” playlist on Spotify. [spotifyplaybutton play="https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4za8GlcGZ9Qv8JOzrJNMDr?si=OP5agLVUTyGkGxd4mAdm5A" view=”coverart” size=”0″ sizetype=”big”] A…
“Ride the Rainbow ” is the debut release from Brian Clifford, an Irish Singer Songwriter now residing in The Netherlands. It’s a cute, catchy ear-worm of a song, that with…
Early 2020 was where it all began in Berlin. I brought some of my songs and ideas to meet the amazing music producer Ciaran O Shea, who moved from Ireland…